One of the harder parts of League is opening the client and seeing your friend list only filled with those who don’t play anymore

I think this happens to all League players when you after years of playing starting to check that your old friends that were playing League are not online for a long time or play the game anymore.

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Everyone remembers when you had a full friend list always showing as green and everyone playing League and asking to duo or going normals as 5 just for fun and hang around, I remember when I was studying and in classes everyone was already talking about which time would we be online to play the game and have some fun, after all these years you look at your friend list in League and your old buddies are not online anymore for many different reasons, life responsabilities, quitting gaming or simply changed the game they were playing.

I’m sure everyone can relate to this and it happens to everyone, but League is just a good game that you meet new people and start making new online friends to play the game with you in no time, but after a while, the same things happen, you don’t see them online anymore.

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Not sure if this is just a problem of the game itself that after a while it starts being boring with you struggling so much to climb and can’t or even the new LP system which makes the climb in ladder much more difficult now, everyone now is having a really bad time with the climb when you do 5 games, you win 4 and lose 1 and all the LP you won on these 4 games you will lose them with just one loss.

Or whenever you decide to make a smurf account to start from zero and you get on your placements that juicy smurf queue with everyone smurfing hard and you go 1-9 on your placements, you simply don’t have the will to continue playing the game.

For all these reasons a lot of players are quitting the game and playing new games where they can have fun or don’t have to waste 1h just to do a game.

I’m sure a lot of people can relate to this matter, leave in the comments below what you think of it.

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